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This is a staging version of the website for reference purposes. The original website is no longer in use.

Hybrid working

How people can learn quickly

The hybrid working revolution is forcing us to make fresh adjustments to how we lead, work, think, and co-operate with colleagues. Working arrangements are now less predictable and we face novel challenges in adjusting how we make our office and home lives balance.

Becoming skilful at hybrid working is a truly individual endeavour; with team members having to develop their own ways to work happily and productively. Whilst it's important that organisations provide good infrastructure, individuals still need to discover their own approach and expertise to enable them to be successful.

Schedule a callback to find out more


We have created a series of films and stimulating support workshops to help people to develop a happy, healthy and productive hybrid work life.

Managing my time and myself

Managing my time and myself

Handling life and work traffic well by making conscious choices.
Adapting to change

Adapting to change

Finding ways to get our heads around change quickly and constructively.
How much is too much?

How much is too much?

Learning to spot the signs of burnout and knowing what to do about it.
Staying visible and connected

Staying visible and connected

How to stay connected with one another and the organisation.
Real conversations at a distance

Real conversations at a distance

How to do difficult conversations well – at a distance.
Getting meetings right

Getting meetings right

Engaging attention spans and intellectual commitment consistently.
Managing performance

Managing performance

Growing capability and confidence through skilful critique and support.
Running a team that people want to be part of

Running a team that people want to be part of

How to generate the glue that makes a group feel like a team... when you can't all be in the same room all the time.


We all know that we don't always behave well - but do we know when we're doing it?

Want to know more about the available titles?


The support workshops that we run dive deeper into loads of topics around hybrid working. Within each workshop there are many opportunities to see the psychology in action and to have questions answered with simple, practical solutions.

All our workshops are run by experienced psychologists.

Call Nicola on +44 (0)20 787 12793 or schedule a callback for more information

The value of video

Using films to provoke learning means an affordable solution that can be continuously accessed to top up knowledge.

Our films are written and produced to entertain as well as to inform. They don't preach or tell people what to do but stimulate thoughts that lead to experimentation and fresh solutions.

Call Nicola on +44 (0)20 787 12793 or schedule a callback to learn more about the value of our videos.

Coordinating time
No need to coordinate everyone's time
Venue hiring
No need for venue hiring
Reduced costs
Forget about catering costs
Save on travel
Zero travel and accommodation
Marginal loss in productivity - concentrated moments of learning
Happy professionals
Our films are brief, engaging, and entertaining

How our videos are different

Your chosen videos are personalised with recordings of *your* people talking about their experiences.

The learning points in the videos are backed by decades of accumulated psychological knowledge, research and experience. Your films are produced by our team of experienced psychologists and film-makers, to bring best-practice, practical psychology to life.

Learning is more intuitive when people are encouraged to think for themselves, our videos are designed to provoke thought and personal experimentation.

Call Nicola on +44 (0)20 787 12793 or schedule a callback to find out how our videos are different.


Single supported episodes for from £24 per head.

Series of 3 supported episodes selected by you from £59 per head